When the holidays are over & a new year begins, we are ready to reset & detox. Time to put away the sugar & heavy foods & enjoy raw and refreshing smoothies. What better way than with the fresh fruits & veggies in your box.
By simply enjoying locally grown produce with no added ingredients, your body will get what it needs, and help eliminate the bad stuff. Antioxidants, peptides & fiber are key to detox & flushing out the toxins from all of the holiday cheats & treats. If you’re looking for healthy fats, avocado is a great way to boost energy & keep it all natural. To add more fiber, protein, or omegas, look to chia seeds & boost your smoothies even more.
In addition to detoxing, spending all of our time in the kitchen is not exactly on our minds when January rolls around. So, here are 3 simple smoothies to start your year with, all of which can be adapted to your personal taste, or to what you want to use from your box.
Green Detox Juice Smoothie 
We know greens are good for us. Add the diuretic properties of cucumbers, fiber from apples and even more cleansing from fresh limes & you’ll notice the difference right away.
Orange Turmeric Detox Smoothie 
Turmeric has a whole wealth of health benefits (read about 12 of them from everyday health), including detoxifying & anti-inflammatory. Oranges & all citrus boost the liver’s cleansing ability. Put them together in a drink that tastes good & brighten your day & your energy. I really like Buddha Teas Golden Milk because it’s already mixed up with Cinnamon, pepper and vanilla to make it delicious while the pepper activates the Turmeric.
Apple Ginger Detox Smoothie 
Ginger is soooo good for our tummies-great digestive aid, good for weight loss, and an immune booster (we need that this time of year). Add it to apple & you get a fiber-filled, peptide rich drink with a kick. This smoothie is a great start for a smoothie diet and really easy to make & add any of your favorite ingredients to.
Bonus: Addicting Cucumbers Dish
Sometimes we just feel like we need to chew. Whip up cucumbers & enjoy the health benefits when you want to detox & grab more than a drink.
It’s really important that our apples, berries, cucumbers, ginger and all the leafy greens are free from pesticides so we’re not putting toxins into our bodies. Look at EWG’s dirty dozen to make sure these certain fruits and veggies are always organically grown.
If we have a detox program that doesn’t feel like a lot of work, and doesn’t have a ton of ingredients, life is easier, and we feel better all around. Enjoy your new year & ease into a healthy start!
Order your farm box or build your own box by Sunday and get it delivered next week!