Best Veggies for Dessert (Part 1)

Best Veggies for Dessert (Part 1)

Many of us are baking more now than ever, and trying all kinds of new things to add to our dessert repertoire.  One of the coolest ways to make the family something new, fresh & healthy is by using veggies for dessert.  Here’s our favorite veggies that elevate dessert.



avocado popsicles

Technically a fruit, avocado is a well known favorite to use in baking treats to give an added richness, and can replace eggs, oil, or butter.  The mild taste means the avocado won’t overpower any part of the dessert, giving us another sweet reason that avocado is the perfect superfood.  From puddings to brownies & cheesecake, avocados are one of the best healthy fats in vegan baking.  Bake these fudgy avocado cookies & see just how easy it is!



Vegan Chocolate Beet Cupcakes

Baking with beets brings moisture, fiber, and antioxidants.  So you can omit or reduce the amount of fats, and opt for beets to make a rich fudgy dessert.  Some swear by beets in chocolate cakes & brownies!  Don’t knock it till you try it, this underdog of the veggie world.  Whether you’re a beet lover or not, beets for dessert is a whole new veggie, and so worth a try.  Start with these fudgy beet cupcakes.



zucchini microgreen bread

Even the kids love zucchini bread.  But don’t stop there!  You can bake all sorts of treats with zucchini.  From cake, cupcakes, and coffee cake, to cookies muffins and scones, the opportunities are endless!  We found 18 zucchini desserts from Brit + Co, that you can try here.



carrot orange lemon cakes

Just like zucchini bread, carrot cake is a classic.  And there’s so many other forms of carrot cake that are sure to tantalize your taste buds & keep things exciting in the kitchen.  Carrot cake muffins, whoopie pies, and carrot cake monkey bread top our list.  Pair carrots with orange, and you’ve got delicious pops, sherbet and even muffins.  Here’s 19 carrot desserts with some brilliant ways to bake with carrots and have them in dessert.



pumpkin pie pic

Do we need to even mention pumpkin?  It may be thought of as more of a dessert ingredient than it ever was a vegetable.  But since you may not have had pumpkin gooey butter cake yet, we thought it was a good way to introduce you to the best thanksgiving dessert ever!  This super sweet dish is not on anyone’s diet list, but we dare you to see if there’s even a crumb of leftovers.  It may replace pumpkin pie & be an even bigger hit.


cauliflower orange cake


Is there a list that this chameleon doesn’t make it’s way to?  So get your fiber, keep your carbs low and savor cakes, cheesecake, rice pudding & even frosting can be made better with cauliflower.  Did you know you can add cauliflower to smoothies for to make them extra creamy & healthy?  Grab a few fancy cauliflower dessert recipes here from Pure Wow.


So many veggies make desserts better!  We couldn’t even cover half of it in one blog.  Stay tuned for part two next week, and in the meantime, happy baking!